Food Delivery App

Food Delivery App

Rectify Restaurant Business with an awesome Food Delivery App that innovates your traditional methods to overcome user’s demands and leverage higher business opportunities.

What is Go Deliveries App?

Go Deliveries is Nairobi’s leading on-demand delivery platform, connecting customers with their favorite local restaurants. Our comprehensive suite includes:

  • Customer App: Browse and order from a wide range of eateries.
  • Restaurant App: Manage and receive orders seamlessly.
  • Delivery App: Efficiently handle delivery tasks.
  • Web Panels: Robust management tools for restaurants and administrators.
Food Delivery App

Good Food

Food Delivery App

Fast Delivery

Food Delivery App

Best Prices

See How it Works

How it work


Find all restaurants Nearby

How it work


Browse thousands of menus to find the food you like

How it work


Pay for your food easily, safely and securely

How it work


Order your favorite food and get it delivered to your door


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Customer Service that is Simple and Easy

On-demand food delivery apps assist restaurants to provide a satisfactory customer experience, which leads to higher sales and shorter wait times. Go Deliveries- Food Delivery app has made the process of ordering and receiving food easier.

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Food Order

Previously for customers ordering food from neighboring eateries that could deliver to your door was limited .

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Promote Restaurant

Restaurant seating capacity maybe 100-200 at a time, or even less, but with an online food ordering app,

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